Nadav Kander, photography analysis
What I like about this photo is the pale yellow lighting and playing with shadows; due to this playing with shadows and also contrasts between dark and light. The outfit I noticed bounces off the background with it all being light/pale coloursWhat I find most interesting is the fact that the darker side is the side in which the model is turning away from, it is also the side in which the majority of his hair has been placed on and styled– the shadows emphasise the almost wildness of his hair, and this almost ‘wild side’ contrasts his other half due to his other half appearing more business like as the model has a thoughtful look as his expression and from that side would appear more like a stereotypical businessman. The costume isn't anything special its just like a normal outfit you'd wear.
This photo I like because of the sort of effect it has on the viewer, looking at this photo you can tell that Kander has played around with the photo and when you look at this photo it looks like she's got angel wings and she's fading bit by bit into the air. the lighting is dull so maybe the mood is sad that she's going. The setting is just a dark background, to represent the mood. I think this image is quite cool as well as detailed. The colours bounce off eachother as they are very similar colours.
Overall this is my favourite photo, the setting looks like it's in a professional studio and the background is quite dull. The costume just looks like it's a hoodie/Tracksuit top as that's what this model normally wears daily. The expression looks like the model is looking straight through you and is very serious showing no emotion really he looks a bit like he has an aggressive side to him. The lighting is the reason I like this photo, it's almost like the top half of his face is a dark blue colour then slowly it changes colour as you get to the bottom its a bright pink colour and looks like he's had two different lights shining on him. It makes the photo look interesting and quite cool.
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